martes, 10 de junio de 2008



Cheyenne tribe is one of the most famous tribes in North America, it is biggest and their approximate number of members is 20,000 million. The Cheyenne resided in the great lakes area in Minnesota and on the Missouri River. Here, they lived in earth-covered log houses in permanent settlements. In the late 1600’s they began a westward migration, nowadays it tribute is distributed by Oklahoma, South Dakota and Montana and their language is Algonquian.
The Cheyenne families have different member roles and they have structured society and their cultural traditions.

Roles of men

In Cheyenne tribe was considere the figure of men such as hunters and warriors, responsible of feeding, defending and protectors their families and their tribe, as result they invent new objects or instruments as their own bows, Arrows, shields, and tools for to use in his job and also to fight in all the wars where they had to defend its territory. Besides, Hunting was a necessity and a dangerous job, for this reason they were the unique that did it while the women was at home whit their children.

Roles of women

In the Cheyenne’s family, women’s role was considered one of the most important for the existence of the tribe, because Women were considered the life-givers of the tribe. Therefore, they were honored and protected by the tribe.

Moreover, her principal duties were centered on the home and family, besides Cheyenne’s women bring up of children. In the agriculture the women had their charge gathered berries, fruits, and roots which they dried, also when men hunted buffalo, she was responsible for cleaning them and have them ready for worship and also they used his remains or small pieces of porous buffalo bone were used to apply the paint.

Roles of Children

The Cheyenne children are taught from the day they were born not to cry because a crying baby could endanger the lives of the tribe. The parents guide their children during the first years of life, where he taught the duties that would be responsible when they were adults, for this reason their toys were miniature tools that were practicing for their future work, besides the parents explaining to them the traditions of the tribe, their philosophy of life, values, and preparation for future generations, Therefore the children occupied a very special place in the Cheyenne tribe.

Talking everything into account, Cheyenne’s families were important to ancient tribes because they were great warriors and struggled to protect his family in addition the Cheyenne’s had good behavior with their people in special with their family because they lived in an environment of unity and love.

BY: Andrea , Viviana, Paola and Adriana.


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